Famous director R.Narayana Murthy has been directing a film based on the recent unfortunate Delhi incident on Nirbhaya. He is also the producing this movie under Sneha pictures banner. The post-production work of the film is going on now.
He said, " Nirbhaya's incident has come to light to the entire world by the media, as it has happened in Delhi. Many such unknown incidents are happening through out India. The culprits are not being punished and the women are being harassed everywhere . I have made this movie based on the Nirbhaya incident. This movie says that the culprit should be punished. This is the story of a peon whose two daughters will be harassed and how he reacts then after. I have done the role of the peon. Nansi and Spandana have acted excellently as my daughters. The shooting has been completed and the post-production work is going on now. We are planning to release the movie at the end of June or on August 15th".
Story- Screenplay- Dialogues- Music- Producer- Director : R. Narayana Murthy


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