After the huge success of Swami Rara, the lead pair of the film — Swathi and Nikhil — is teaming up again for another film, which will mark Chandu Mondeti's debut as a director. Nikhil, who is enjoying a good run at the box office, after a long time, says he is now particular about the scripts he picks.

"After the success of my last film, I decided to be more picky about my scripts. I listened to around 40 to 50 stories before I heard this really interesting story from Chandu, whom I know for a long time," says Nikhil, adding, "This film is going to be a thriller with loads of entertainment."

The actor is playing a medical student in this movie About being paired with Swathi once again, Nikhil says, "Many felt that we both looked great on the screen and shared a sparkling chemistry too. The producer of the movie too wanted both of us to act again and I immediately accepted the offer. Moreover, Swathi is a very good actor and I am very comfortable working with her. She was excited about this script too," says Nikhil.


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