Mahesh Babu is all set to flaunt six pack abs in his upcoming film directed by Sukumar. Sometime back, rumors rife that the superstar will go shirtless in his forthcoming drama and the news has been confirmed by the actor himself. Mahesh has been training with world renowned trainer Kris Gethin for a while now and has totally transformed his physique under Gethin's training and the actor will be experiencing the results in his next film.

Kris Gethin, world's best transformation specialist, is known for his DTP or Dramatic Transformation Principle, which results in heavily muscled arms, abs and chest, has been working out with the actor since some time. And Mahesh is expected to show his toned and muscled body in Sukumar's film. After a long time, Mahesh took to his micro blogging account to share the same.

"the last 3mths have been really challenging,.as ul know I've been training with Kris Gethin who i consider d best trainer in d world. i took up his DTP challenge n achieved it:) transformation sure u all will like my new look :):)" (sic), tweeted Mahesh Babu.

The actor also took the opportunity to thank the audience for the success of his last release Seethamma Vaakilto Sirimalle Chettu. Mahesh further praised Sreenu Vaitla on the success of his latest release starring NTR Jr. "a little late in the day,but wud still like to thank all u guys for d phenomenal success of SVSC. feels really good when ul appreciate my doing a film like SVSC.thanks for supporting my decision and performance:):) (sic), wrote Mahesh.


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