The shooting of Sai Dharam Tej's second film directed by AS Ravi Kumar Chowdary is taking place at a brisk pace. "This is an action-packed film and our target audience is the youth," says the director. With Regina Cassandra playing the female lead, the leading man is proving to be quite a find for the Telugu industry.
"When Tej gives a shot, it's just like an experienced actor. His main strength is dance and I can guarantee that he will rock. This film will be perfect showcase of his talents," says the director. Meanwhile, Sai Dharam Tej's debut, Rey, directed by YVS Choudhary is in post-production stages and will hit the screens May.
"When Tej gives a shot, it's just like an experienced actor. His main strength is dance and I can guarantee that he will rock. This film will be perfect showcase of his talents," says the director. Meanwhile, Sai Dharam Tej's debut, Rey, directed by YVS Choudhary is in post-production stages and will hit the screens May.
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